Sunday, March 10, 2019

JT Claims

Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, 
According to JT - People of color stink and can't properly feed themselves. 
Do you believe that these claims are true? 
According to JT - People of Color can't afford to buy personal hygiene 
items, or even properly feed themselves  and their progeny. 
From JT: 
Hygiene and community 
The building Giving to the Nations is taking over used to be an A&W 
and J&W drive-in restaurant, but it’s been vacant since 2004. The land 
is owned by Midtown Church of Christ, which runs an outreach center 
nearby, 1705 13th St. 
Once it opens, Giving to the Nations’ center will have a food pantry 
of its own, and will also offer hygiene products. Nys said that 
although there are plenty of food pantries around the city, there 
aren’t enough offering items like diapers, women’s products, and other 
necessities like soap and household cleaners. 
“There’s nowhere around here that always has hygiene products,” she said. 
Nys explained that it will also offer nutrition and language classes, 
will hopefully have its own community garden, and can also act as a 
“resource referral hub.” 
“We can get (people) hooked up with other community resources to help 
each other,” explained Nys, who is a pastor with Stand On His Word 
International Apostolic Ministry. “There’s not a lot of connectivity 
right now.” 
Myself and Cindy will write a post on this disturbing situation - to 
call greater attention to this developing situation. 
Tim & Cindy 


  1. Wasn't the great Depression in the 1930's?

    It is now 2019 - and a formerly productive business is being turned into a welfare distribution center - where money taken from productive people is first skimmed to provide wages and benefits to welfare distribution specialists, pay costs, and then products are distributed for *FREE*.

    Who in the ghetto doesn't have a cell phone or cable/satellite TV? Air conditioning, heating, furniture, and internet?

    And, of course, these same ghetto dwellers - in addition to needing *FREE* food and personal hygiene items - need continuing basic education! Didn't the taxpayers of the Community already pay the cost to educate them in government skools? From Head Start - and then K - 12. Why didn't the ghetto dwellers value the education which was provided to them at no cost?

    It must be a plan to increase the Cory Mason voters -

    All I hear is that Employers can't find Employees - and that City of Ratcine Employees need MOAR raises - so why does yet ANOTHER ghetto taxpayer funded welfare distribution center need to be opened in the heart of Ratcine?

  2. When you read the article - note who the People who profit from running this Non-Profit - are.....

    Drum roll please.....

    White women.

    Hey - I'm just pointing this out.....

    "Once it opens, Giving to the Nations’ center will have a food pantry of its own, and will also offer hygiene products. Nys said that although there are plenty of food pantries around the city, there aren’t enough offering items like diapers, women’s products, and other necessities like soap and household cleaners.

    “There’s nowhere around here that always has hygiene products,” she said.

    Nys explained that it will also offer nutrition and language classes, will hopefully have its own community garden, and can also act as a “resource referral hub.”

  3. According to Guidestar:

    President : James White

    Director: Anthony Balistreri

    Ruling Year: 2015

    Main Address:
    3312 Washington Ave
    Racine, WI 53405 USA
