Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mason, Weidner make their pitch to voters

RACINE — In the latest upheaval of the 2019 spring election, Alderman Sandy Weidner’s announced last week she will register as a write-in candidate for Racine mayor against incumbent Cory Mason in the April 2 election.

This is not the first time Mason and Weidner have competed for the office. Both ran in the special election held in October 2017 to fill the position after John Dickert resigned. Mason won by 964 votes.

The hot-button issue at that time of that election was the proposed Downtown arena, which Mason vetoed when he took office. This spring, Weidner’s open-records lawsuit and contempt of court case, which have been submitted to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, cast a shadow on the race. While Mason is not directly connected to the case, it has raised questions of transparency in City Hall.

Weidner said she had not intended to campaign but was told by supporters that they planned to write her name in on the ballot.

Read more:

Vote for Sandy or expect 4 more years of secret government and lies.

1 comment:

  1. 4 mo' years of the Coryuption tainted never ending Dickert Disaster - OR

    Write in Sandy Weidner!

    On April 2, Make the right choice Racine!

    Write in Sandy Weidner!
