Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Open Blog - Tuesday

Have a great day.


  1. I hope every ones week is going good. Well mine is not because I got a phone call last night from my younger sister telling me that my mom passes away last night. That is one phone call I was not expecting for a long time. Right now I am numb and it just feels like a big nightmare to me. The only thing I can say is I am so glad Drew was here when I got the call.

  2. Oh God, Tender Heart Bear, I'm so sorry to hear that. Was she sick, or was this totally unexpected? You have to remember to take care of yourself. I'm glad you have Drew to lean on. I'll say a prayer for your mom and one for you, too. If there's anything else I can do, please let me know. I lost my mom 7 years ago and I still think like she's alive: I'll have a question and think, "Mom will know the answer to that," and then I realize again that she's dead. Is your father still alive? If so, he'll need help, too.

  3. Daddy Orbs my Dad had been gone for about 30 years and I think about him a lot but the time I think about him the most is at Christmas because that was his favorite holiday. My Mom was doing good the last time I talked to her 2 weeks ago she talking to me on the phone and did not want to get off. My older sister told me that she was getting weak but was eating and drinking so I think something was shutting down slowly. They said she either had a heart attack or a stroke.
