Saturday, March 9, 2019

Putin 2020


  1. A beautiful Wife -

    A beautiful Life.

    What could be more simple?

    Why did the outdoor pool at Washington Park have to be filled in?

    While the former A&W now becomes a food pantry which also dispenses personal hygiene products in the center of Ratcine's Ghetto's and slums?

    Hygiene and community

    The building Giving to the Nations is taking over used to be an A&W and J&W drive-in restaurant, but it’s been vacant since 2004. The land is owned by Midtown Church of Christ, which runs an outreach center nearby, 1705 13th St.

    Once it opens, Giving to the Nations’ center will have a food pantry of its own, and will also offer hygiene products. Nys said that although there are plenty of food pantries around the city, there aren’t enough offering items like diapers, women’s products, and other necessities like soap and household cleaners.

    “There’s nowhere around here that always has hygiene products,” she said.

    Nys explained that it will also offer nutrition and language classes, will hopefully have its own community garden, and can also act as a “resource referral hub.”

    “We can get (people) hooked up with other community resources to help each other,” explained Nys, who is a pastor with Stand On His Word International Apostolic Ministry. “There’s not a lot of connectivity right now.”

    From JT:

  2. I guess that:

    according to the article - People of Color STINK! Plus they don't connect properly with each other. As JT claims

    Hygiene and community

    The building Giving to the Nations is taking over used to be an A&W and J&W drive-in restaurant, but it’s been vacant since 2004. The land is owned by Midtown Church of Christ, which runs an outreach center nearby, 1705 13th St.

    Once it opens, Giving to the Nations’ center will have a food pantry of its own, and will also offer hygiene products. Nys said that although there are plenty of food pantries around the city, there aren’t enough offering items like diapers, women’s products, and other necessities like soap and household cleaners.

    “There’s nowhere around here that always has hygiene products,” she said.

    Nys explained that it will also offer nutrition and language classes, will hopefully have its own community garden, and can also act as a “resource referral hub.”

    “We can get (people) hooked up with other community resources to help each other,” explained Nys, who is a pastor with Stand On His Word International Apostolic Ministry. “There’s not a lot of connectivity right now.”
