Friday, March 29, 2019

Scott Walker appointee blocked from returning to work following court ruling

From JSOnline:

Public Service Commission Chairwoman Ellen Nowak, right, and Nowak's adviser Bob Seitz are blocked from returning to work at the PSC on Thursday. (Photo: Molly Beck / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
MADISON - One of the 82 appointees who lost their positions last week amid a ferocious court battle between Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and Republican lawmakers tried to return to work Thursday morning and was blocked at the elevators. 

Ellen Nowak, the Public Service Commission chairwoman appointed by former Gov. Scott Walker, was stopped by a building security guard and prevented from going to the commission's office in a state building in Madison. 

Nowak and her adviser, Bob Seitz, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel they believed they could return to their jobs after a Wednesday Appeals Court ruling reinstated some of the laws previously blocked by a lower court ruling that declared unlawful a December legislative session during which Nowak was appointed to the commission.

But a commission employee told them Gov. Tony Evers' attorneys' interpretation of that ruling says otherwise.

Later Thursday, Evers reappointed most of the people who had been confirmed in December and lost their appointments on Friday. Nowak was among the 15 Walker appointees who were not nominated by Evers

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