Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Once Again, Time to Play, “How Many Federal Lawsuits Have Been Filed Against City of Racine”?

With JT reporting on 2 new Federal Lawsuits being filed against City of Racine, in which Taxpayers will be forced to pay all costs if the City loses or settles, It seems prudent to take a look at the Docket of the Federal Court. But first….

Water employee suing city for racial discrimination

RACINE — A Racine Water Utility employee filed a civil action lawsuit against the City of Racine alleging that he was discriminated against based on his race and physical disability from an injury sustained on the job.
Shannon McDonald, of McDonald and Kloth, LLC. which represents Endel Williams, said the goal was to improve working conditions for minorities at the City.
“The goal is to stop the discrimination and harassment that’s been happening at the city,” said McDonald. “Not just for Mr. Williams but for all city employees who experience this type of bias.”
The City has not yet filed its defense but the City Attorney’s office released the following statement:
“The City of Racine is aware that Racine Water Utility employee Endel Williams has filed a lawsuit against the City. The City disputes the allegations in the Complaint and will vigorously defend this action.”

Allegations of racism

Williams, who is black, started working as a construction worker with the water department in February 2007.
According to the complaint filed on Aug. 14, by Williams’ legal representation, he “became aware” that his supervisor made racially derogatory remarks about him, such as referring to Williams as a “(n-word)” and the “Mayor’s Token (n-word).”
In August 2015, the general manager disciplined Williams for being insubordinate to his supervisor. Williams objected and later that month lodged a complaint to the City alleging the City had discriminated against him and harassed him due to his race.
Williams claims that at that time he made the general manager aware of the racist remarks his supervisor made about him and other blacks in the workplace.

Man sues, alleging Racine police officer hit him during diabetic seizure

RACINE — A Racine man filed a lawsuit in federal court last month, alleging that a Racine Police officer punched him while he was in the midst of a diabetic seizure.
A March 12 federal lawsuit filed by Tyran Pinkins, 34, names the City of Racine, Racine Police Officer Joshua Diedrich and five other unknown Racine Police officers, as defendants in the suit.
According to court documents, the lawsuit stems from an Oct. 6, 2016, incident. On that evening, RPD Officer Diedrich was flagged down near the intersection of State Street and Lake Avenue by a person trying to get emergency medical care for Pinkins.
Diedrich called for a rescue squad stating that Pinkins was having a seizure. During the encounter, the officer asked Pinkins questions to which Pinkins did not respond.
When Pinkins began to sway toward the road and walk away, the officer took hold him. The court document alleges that Pinkins began to uncontrollably flail around due to a diabetic seizure, causing the officer to tackle him.
The lawsuit alleges that during the encounter, the officer punched Pinkins in the face multiple times with a closed fist causing Pinkins “permanent injuries” to his vision, jaw and teeth.
Pinkins believes the officer’s punches were deadly force, and were “excessive and done with a reckless and/or callous disregard for the Plaintiff’s rights,” filing documents state.
As a result of the encounter, Pinkins was hospitalized. After he was released, on Oct. 7, 2016, he was arrested and charged with battery to a law enforcement officer, attempt to disarm a peace officer, resisting or obstructing an officer and disorderly conduct.

Second incident

As part of the lawsuit, Pinkins mentions a second incident that allegedly occurred on Oct. 29, 2017. At the time, Pinkins was homeless and living at HALO, 2000 DeKoven Ave.
Pinkins was listening to headphones during overnight hours when another person complained that Pinkins was listening to his music too loudly. The woman then called police.
When Racine Police arrived, Pinkins was in the bathroom. He claims that police barged into the restroom and began yelling at him, who was somewhat disoriented. Pinkins says Racine Police deployed a Taser on him which had to later be surgically removed from his back.
Court documents state that Pinkins alleges that Racine Police may have remembered him from the earlier encounter, which is why, he believes, that he was Tasered.

Not quite sure where this one will go, But RPD Sgt. Sam Stulo insists he didndu nuffin’ and should have been released to his wife with no charges…..

With video: Body cam footage of Racine Police sergeant’s arrest obtained

RACINE — Nearly six hours of body cam footage of the arrest of a Racine Police sergeant accused of OWI and hit-and-run causing injury was released last week, after The Journal Times made an open records request with the Racine County Sheriff’s Office.
The footage shows Racine Police Sgt. Samuel Stulo speaking with a Racine County Sheriff’s deputy after the crash, with a visibly swollen chin and raspy voice saying he got punched in the throat.
Stulo admits going to a local bar for “two or three beers,” and said he wasn’t sure if he hit a car because he was on his phone. “I don’t know if I hit it (the car),” Stulo says. “I was on my phone, you know how we are, looking at our phones.”
The video shows Stulo attempting various field sobriety tests. According to a Racine County Sheriff’s Office incident report, Stulo failed the field sobriety test after he reportedly crashed his truck into a parked car on State Street, injuring a woman just before 8 p.m. on Dec. 17.
Footage shows Stulo explain to deputies that he has a bad hip and back, which is why he can’t perform well on the tests. “You guys are setting me up to fail,” Stulo says in the video.
“This is what we do for everybody,” a deputy replies.
“I’m not everybody,” Stulo responds.
When a deputy presents a portable Breathalyzer, Stulo says “I’m not doing that.” He then asks for a lawyer and is arrested. “You guys could have took me home,” Stulo said, as he is put into the back of a deputy squad car. “I would have took the accident and moved on.”

Squad car footage

Footage from the squad car shows Stulo repeatedly asking for a lawyer and stating that he failed his field sobriety testing due to medical issues.
“All you guys had to do was just let my wife take me home, man,” Stulo said. “It’s not going to stick with my back and my hip problems. It’s not going to stick. I got so much medical documentation, it’s not going to stick.”
When the deputy asked if he could perform a blood draw, Stulo said he would not do anything without speaking with a lawyer first. “I’m not consenting to s**t,” Stulo is heard saying. “I’m not consenting to nothing.”
Nearly two hours after the crash, Stulo’s blood-alcohol content was later found to be 0.182 percent, more than two times the legal limit, state records show.
The Journal Times received the results through an open records request filed with the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, which conducts blood-alcohol tests for the state.
“I just lost everything … I respect what you guys are doing, but I just lost it all,” Stulo said.

At the hospital

The footage also shows deputies taking Stulo into the hospital. As he is being led in, Stulo continues to ask to walk on his own and for a lawyer. “You really want to do this, huh?” Stulo said.
At one point, Stulo appears to become agitated and ask deputies to get off of him. “I’ve done nothing wrong. I don’t want to feel like a f***ing criminal, man,” Stulo said.

So now it’s time to check out the Federal Court Docket for City of Racine; from PACER:

Only 2 Federal cases open – WELL, THAT’S  A HUGE IMPROVEMENT from the years of the Dickert Disaster!

In local Circuit Courts, City of Racine is being sued for:

Property Damage:


Unclassified – But connected with the Machinery Row Chicanary!

Read more:  https://arrestrecordsofracinewipublicofficials.wordpress.com/2019/04/08/once-again-time-to-play-how-many-federal-lawsuits-have-been-filed-against-city-of-racine/

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