Thursday, June 27, 2019

Abandoned Haunted House gets beer license

MOUNT PLEASANT — Haunted house enthusiasts can now enjoy a beer at the Abandoned Haunted House before or after they make it through the spooky experience.

Contingent on the fire alarm system being approved by South Shore Fire Department, the Abandoned Haunted House Complex, 2825 Southeast Frontage Road, will be serving beer for the first time during this upcoming season.

The Class B liquor license, which only covers beer, was approved by the Mount Pleasant Village Board on Monday on a 4-2 vote with trustees Bud Eastman and Jon Hewitt voting “no.”

Trustee Gary Feest said “the potential for disaster is there.”

“But in all honesty, he’s open for 15 days, he’s got a cop on the premises,” Feest said. “As much as I’m not a big fan of alcoholism, drinking and everything else, I can’t deny this license just because of the potential that the haunted house might chaotically create a problem.”

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