Thursday, June 6, 2019

Madison police officer who strikes teen in video is put on 'restricted duty'

Footage from a home security camera shows Madison police restraining and punching a 17-year-old boy with mental health problems whom they described as exhibiting "threatening behavior."
MADISON — Madison Police Chief Mike Koval said Thursday that the officer seen on video striking a 17-year-old detained in the midst of a mental health crisis will be placed on “restricted duty” and an outside investigation of the incident will be conducted.
Police also released 23 pages of reports on the Monday incident that show the teen was threatening staff at West High School, his foster father, a workman and police and then spit at and struggled with officers for some 20 minutes before they could take him into protective custody — something that reportedly happened only after a sergeant on the scene, Joseph Engler, delivered three blows to the teen’s head.
The teen is under a Chapter 51 mental health commitment, and the foster father and Journey Mental Health Center, which handles Chapter 51 cases in Dane County, had authorized police help in taking him into protective custody, police said.

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