Friday, June 21, 2019

On 4-3 vote, Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds state's lame-duck laws limiting power of Democratic governor

Then-Judge Rebecca Bradley speaks at the state Capitol in Madison after being appointed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court by Gov. Scott Walker. (Photo: Associated Press)

MADISON - The Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld lame-duck laws Friday that limit the power of the state's new Democratic governor, handing Republicans a victory in one of several legal fights over the laws. 
Two other lawsuits over the lame-duck laws are ongoing. The state Supreme Court is considering one and a federal judge the other. 
In Friday's 4-3 decision, conservatives on the state's high court found lawmakers were allowed to bring themselves into session in December to trim the authority of Gov. Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul just before they took office.
"The Wisconsin Constitution mandates that the Legislature meet 'at such time as shall be provided by law.' The Legislature did so," Justice Rebecca Bradley wrote for the majority.
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities and Disability Rights Wisconsin in January sued over the lame-duck laws, arguing legislators had illegally approved them.

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