Monday, September 16, 2019

Justice for Tyrese West

Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,

From Racine Uncensored:

This Monday the family of Tyrese West will be holding a rally outside
the Racine County Courthouse. The family and friends of Tyrese West
will be gathering at 10 am to request a meeting with DA Patricia J.
Hanson. We are asking that the whole community come out and join the
family at 5:30 pm and stand in solidarity requesting charges for Mt.
Pleasant police officer Eric Giese.

Officer Eric Giese shot and killed 18-year-old Tyrese West June 15,
2019, after stopping him for riding a bike without a headlight.
Tyrese’s body was shot multiple times including two shoots to the head
execution-style. Also, officer, Eric Giese has a known past of being
accused of unlawful behavior. Please share this post and come out and
support #JusticeforTyreseWest.

👑: What would you do if it was your son.?? Join Us


And I will also be there - after 5:30 pm. You will know me by my long
white hair. Please show your support - and also be there. As well as
Mayor Cory Mason and Police Chief Art Howell, as well as Members from
the Interfaith Coalition.

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