Monday, September 23, 2019

Reason #3 to Recall Racine DA Patricia 'Trish' Hanson: Sheriff's Lieutenant Chad Schulman

From Racine Uncensored:

Reason #3 to Recall Racine DA Patricia 'Trish' Hanson: Sheriff's Lieutenant Chad Schulman
Some $11,000 went missing during a death investigation in Racine. In a June 18, 2018 official letter from the Walworth County DA's office, they admitted that-when questioned, Racine Sheriff's Lieutenant Chad Schulman, who was present at the scene, made untruthful statements regarding the missing money. The money had been inventoried by Schulman yet went missing.
They wrote to Racine DA Patricia Hanson and Racine Sheriff Christopher Schmaling: "I have reviewed the evidence of untruthful statements made by Racine County Sheriff's Department Lt. Chad Schulman. [...] The circumstances surrounding Lt. Schulman's untruthful statements involve a significant amount of money that went missing after it was collected from the body of a deceased male. Lt. Schulman handled the money at the crime scene prior to the money being placed into an evidence bag and logged into evidence at the Racine County Sheriff's Office. [...] During the investigation [he] was voluntarily intsrviewed twice in the presence of his attorney. [...] Lt. Schulman stated during the first interview that the medical examiner arrived on the scene. This statement was later shown to be false by phone records. [...] Although these were the only statements that I identified as untruthful in my review of the reports, there are other potentially untruthful statements contained throughout the reports...."
In a December 2, 2018 RJT article, it was stated that Lieutenant Schulman was allowed to resign and additionally-in a September 15, 2019 RJT article, it was noted that Schulman was cited for an unrelated charge. The Walworth DA wrote: "I am writing this letter to advise you that the investigation into Chad Schulman has been completed, and the matter was resolved with his resignation and an ordinance citation for providing a pharmacy service without a pharmacist."
Racine DA Trish Hanson and Sheriff Schmaling both failed to properly discipline Lt. Schulman. Crimes that would lead to our assured-arrest and prosecution are being allowed to slide and are lacking accountability.


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