Friday, November 15, 2019

Florence County in Wisconsin's Northwoods declares itself Second Amendment sanctuary

From JSOnline:

, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

A county in rural northeastern Wisconsin has declared itself a Second Amendment sanctuary, a move that could spread to other counties. 
The day after Veterans Day, the Florence County Board unanimously adopted an ordinance designed to send a "keep your hands off our guns" message to politicians.
The nonbinding measure gives the sheriff the ability to "exercise sound discretion to not enforce against any citizen an unconstitutional firearms law." However, that doesn't mean firearms will not be taken away from convicted felons or in criminal cases,  including domestic violence or drugs.
"I think it's a great thing," said Sheriff Dan Miller, who was elected last year. "It sends a message that all of Wisconsin is not exactly the same. We have some different beliefs up north. We tend to be a little more conservative. We like our guns. We believe in God."
Several other counties have contacted Florence County officials to express interest in passing similar ordinances. 
Florence County Supervisor Edwin Kelley said attempts by Gov. Tony Evers to call for action on gun violence has made his constituents nervous. 

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