Friday, December 13, 2019

BOMBSHELL AND BREAKING: A Man in All the Right Places Who Knows All the Right Faces

BOMBSHELL AND BREAKING: A Man in All the Right Places Who Knows All the Right Faces
Did you know that Michael Gabbey, the husband of current Racine County District Attorney Patricia Hanson-is currently under investigation by the Wisconsin Judicial Commission? Did you know that after allegations were lodged against him, he resigned from his position as Town of Norway Municipal Judge? Of course you didn't! So what's going on? What's the scoop? What are the allegations against former Judge Gabbey? Why is he being investigated? Have our local governments been forthcoming with information? Have our local media outlets kept you informed? Or are they all tangibly keeping you in the dark?
Michael Gabbey, a Racine firefighter, unsuccessfully ran for a seat on the Racine County Board during 2010. In 2016 he was elected as Municipal Judge in the Racine County Town of Norway. He was re-elected to that seat in an uncontested race during the spring of 2019, but refused to take the position in two seperate letters to Norway Town Administrator and the Norway Town Clerk. In a January 18, 2019 official letter to Town Administrator Tom Kramer, Gabbey wrote: "After submitting my nomination papers for re-election to the Town of Norway position of municipal judge, I realized that my family and work obligations would interfere with fullfilling my judicial duties for another term, so I attempted to remove my name from the ballot. Unfortunately, I was not aware of the deadline for doing so. [...]." Following the spring 2019 elections and after he won the municipal judge seat for a second term, Mike Gabbey wrote to Norway Town Clerk Patricia Campbell: "Your correspondence dated April 11, 2019 notifying me of being elected Municipal Judge at the Sprong Election on April 2, 2019 stated I have five (5) days to file the Oath of Office. Having resigned from this office on January 18, 2019, please accept this letter as formal notification that I am choosing to refuse the position of Municipal Judge for the Town of Norway." No local media outlets have, so far, reported on ANY of this. So what could possibly be another reason why Mike Gabbey resigned from his elected position of Norway Town Municipal Judge besides career and family?

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