Friday, December 6, 2019

Four for Fridays

Good morning everyone I hope you had a good week. I am sorry I am late in posting the questions today. I have not been sleeping real good lately. Here are your questions.

1) What is your favorite season?

2) What do you do during your favorite season?

3) Do you have a special place to go during your favorite season?

4) What is the best thing you remember doing during your favorite season?

Have a good weekend!


  1. 1) What is your favorite season?

    2) What do you do during your favorite season?
    Same as always - exist.

    3) Do you have a special place to go during your favorite season?

    4) What is the best thing you remember doing during your favorite season?

    Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, for this week's questions. I hope you start sleeping better.

  2. 1. fall

    2. fall, then pick myself up

    3. falling, then picking myself up

    4. falling, then picking myself up

    falling asleep is easy in fall

  3. 1. Fall stands tall
    2. usually enjoy the crisp dry air, but not this year, everything is soooooooo wet.
    3. not really, just like being outside
    4. Grouse hunting in the northwoods, then falling asleep with the warm sun beating down upon me. no grouse but a great day.
