Thursday, December 19, 2019

Teen Girl Drove Plane into California Airport Fence

VOA News
664K subscribers

▶️ A 17-year-old girl was arrested Wednesday, December 18, after authorities say she sneaked into a small plane at an airport in central California and drove it into a chain-link fence. 👉 The teenager breached the fence of Fresno Yosemite International Airport, started up the plane and crashed it into a fence, airport spokeswoman Vikkie Calderon told The Fresno Bee. Airport officials said officers found the teen in the pilot's seat, wearing the pilot's headset. No one was injured. No passenger planes were in danger, Calderon said. The teen was arrested on suspicion of theft of an aircraft. She will be booked into the juvenile hall after officers finish questioning her. The girl's mother told Fresno news station KFSN-TV that she hadn't heard from her daughter since Tuesday night. (AP)

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