Tuesday, December 10, 2019

SNL does a sketch called 'Wisconsin Women,' but the jokes flop and the accents don't sound Wisconsin at all

From JSOnline:

, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

"Saturday Night Live's" Dec. 7 episode, hosted by Jennifer Lopez, had a sketch where the main characters were supposedly Wisconsin women working at a hardware store, but it wasn't very convincing. 
The sketch featured Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong and Lopez as three rural Wisconsin women rocking feathered short hair and "reinforced industrial leggings from Tractor Supply" for running from bears.
They might have looked a little Wisconsin, but the accents did not sound Wisconsin. Lopez sort of had the accent in the first line but sounded more Bronx toward the end. Strong, an Illinois native, was closest to nailing the long and nasally vowels of northern Midwest accents. 
The cast could have taken notes from a previous SNL reoccurring skit featuring a similar accent with "Bill Swerski's Super Fans" famous for its "da Bears" line, or from Wisconsin comedian Charlie Berens.
The only reason viewers knew the sketch was about Wisconsin women was because they said so; otherwise there weren't any obvious hints of the skit being in the Dairyland. 
A few references to beer, cheese or Packers would have gone a long way if SNL really wanted to some have stereotypical Wisconsin aspects.
On top the failed accents, the skit didn't make much sense. Overall viewers thought the skit was a flop. 
Jordyn Noennig covers pop culture and entertainment in Milwaukee.  Follow her on Instagram @JordynTaylor_n. Find her on Twitter @JordynTNoennig. Call her at 262-446-6601 or email Jordyn.Noennig@jrn.com.
From: https://www.jsonline.com/story/entertainment/2019/12/09/snl-wisconsin-women-lopez-mckinnon-struggle-accent/2629253001/

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