Friday, January 10, 2020

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I am so sorry I am posting this late. I had to take Drew to work and do some errands this morning then I lied do and took a nap. Here are your questions.

1) What is your favorite color?

2) Do you have that color in your house more than other colors?

3) Do you wear that color more than other colors?

4) What color is your least favorite?

Have a great weekend and be careful with the nasty weather coming!


  1. 1) What is your favorite color?

    2) Do you have that color in your house more than other colors?

    3) Do you wear that color more than other colors?
    I wear blue jeans, but right now I have more black jeans.

    4) What color is your least favorite?
    I never thought of that. Ah, pink?

    Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, for this week's questions, and you be careful in and after the storm, too.

  2. 1. I don't know which is my favorite color.
    But the question does bring me to growing up as a kid and realizing the First thing ya know....................Old Jed's a millionaire!

    2. Yes, the color of dirt

    3. OH yeah, dirt is my color

    4. Milorganite brown, right from the largest polluter in the United States - The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District.
