Friday, January 3, 2020

TELLY HEAVEN - LG to release 65-inch rollable TV which unfurls itself from your ceiling

LG is set to release a 65-inch rollable television which unfurls itself from your ceiling.

The ultra-high definition, wafer-thin screen is set to be unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week.

LG and other TV producers have begun releasing a range of curved and rollable screens in recent yearsCredit: LG

Last year, LG previewed a screen that retracted into its own speaker casingCredit: LG

The tech giant is yet to release any pictures of the screen, but says it will be capable of being stored in roll and pulled down like a projector screen before use.

LG has previously showcased a number of rollable screens, including one that can retract into the case of its speaker, but never one that could be stored in the ceiling.

The company said in a press release that the screen - dubbed the 65-inch UHD roll-down OLED TV - was designed so that it could be "installed naturally as part of the space" and to "increase space utilisation"
It added that the TV would "to increase the level of smart home interior" in homes.

Organised by the Consumer Technology Association, the Consumer Electronics Show is a trade show held every January in Las Vegas at which many of the tech industry's biggest names unveil their last offers and innovations.

It welcomes 170,000 attendees from 160 countries and hosts exhibits from some 4,500 manufacturers, developers, and suppliers of consumer technology.

LG will also be showcasing a 77-inch ultra-high definition screen that will hang like wallpaper and have embedded speakers capable of producing "cinematic sound".

It is also planning a screen made of eight 55-inch other screens that can be installed on the curved internal walls of an aeroplane to create a feeling of "openness".

Possible downsides of the new products include a likely sizeable price tag.

There is also a question of whether they will ever make it from an exhibition show to the market.

The screen that retracted into its own speaker was unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show of 2019 with a release date before the end of the year, but is yet to be made available for customers to buy.


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