Friday, February 14, 2020

Four for Fridays!

Happy Valentine's Day. I am so sorry this is late but I had to do some early errands. Here are your questions.

1) Do you think Valentine's Day is a hallmark holiday?

2) Do you buy anything for Valentine's Day for anyone?

3) Do you wear any special color for Valentine's Day?

4) Do you make a special dinner for Valentine's Day?

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. 1) Do you think Valentine's Day is a hallmark holiday?
    Yeah, but if you believe, what the hell.

    2) Do you buy anything for Valentine's Day for anyone?
    I almost bought some candy for myself, but couldn't afford it.

    3) Do you wear any special color for Valentine's Day?

    4) Do you make a special dinner for Valentine's Day?

    Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, for this week's questions and Happy Valentine's Day!
