Monday, February 10, 2020

Mount Pleasant files answer to excessive-force case against Officer Giese

From The Journal

MILWAUKEE — The Village of Mount Pleasant and Mount Pleasant Police Sgt. Eric Giese have denied many of the allegations contained in a civil case alleging excessive force against Giese for a Mount Pleasant man who was pulled over on suspicion of drunken driving.
Attorneys for the village and Giese — the Mount Pleasant police sergeant who shot and killed Ty’ Rese West on June 15 in what was later declared to be a lawful act of self-defense — filed an answer Wednesday to the lawsuit that was filed Aug. 23 by Michael Kowalczuk, 31, of Mount Pleasant.
Kowalczuk claims he suffered a broken jaw, dislocated shoulder and an orbital fracture (causing one of his eyes to be knocked out of its socket), after being punched in the face and shocked twice with a Taser stun gun by Giese after Giese handcuffed him for suspected drunken driving in September 2013.
In dash-camera video obtained by The Journal Times, Kowalczuk is shown getting out of his car after he was stopped. Giese is then shown leading him to the ground and telling him to put his hands behind his back. After Kowalczuk is handcuffed, he is shown trying to get up and resisting and Giese is shown punching the handcuffed Kowalczuk.

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1 comment:

  1. "Stop!
    "Get out of the car.
    "Stay in the car.
    "Right now."

    Wtf kind of commands are those? Giese is an asshole. He can't keep his disgust of his suspects from tainting his police work. Watching this video, I'd say that Giese needs some serious retraining.
