Sunday, February 16, 2020

Snoop Dogg Apologizes For Calling Gayle King "Funky Dog Head Bitch" Over Kobe Bryant Controversy

From ZeroHedge:

After days of finding himself on the receiving end of criticism, Snoop Dogg has now apologized to reporter Gayle King for attacking her on Instagram. Snoop had called King a "funky dog head bitch" and lobbed threats at the reporter about a week ago for comments she made about Kobe Bryant shortly after his death. .
“Two wrongs don’t make no right. when you’re wrong, you gotta fix it,” Snoop Dogg said on Instagram last week.
He continued: “So with that being said, Gayle King, I publicly tore you down by coming at you in a derogatory manner based off of emotions of me being angry at a question you asked. Overreacted. I should have handled it way different than that, I was raised way better than that, so I would like to apologize publicly for the language that I used and calling you out your name and just being disrespectful.”

Snoop Dogg says in his Instagram post that it was a chat with his mother that changed his mind about how he acted.
He continued: “I didn’t mean for it to be like that. I was just expressing myself for a friend that wasn’t there to defend himself. Anytime you mess up, it’s OK to fix it, it’s OK to man up to say that you’re wrong. I apologize. Hopefully we can sit down and talk, privately.”
Recall, we reported about a week ago that Gayle King chose to use Bryant's death to remind the public that the former NBA star had been accused of sexual assault in 2003, while interviewing WNBA Champion Lisa Leslie after Bryant's death.
“It has been said that his legacy is complicated because of the sexual assault charge which was dismissed in 2003, 2004. Is it complicated for you as a woman, a WNBA player?” King asked.
Leslie responded at the time:
It’s not complicated for me at all. I just have never seen him as being the kind of person that would do something violating to a woman or be aggressive in that way. That’s just not the person I know.”

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