Friday, March 27, 2020

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I am really sorry for missing last weeks questions. I have been so busy getting Drew and my daughter to work. Here are your questions!

1) Are you tired of seeing everything online about the Coronavirus?

2) Have you been tested for the Coronavirus?

3) I you have not been tested are you going to go and get tested for the Coronavirus?

4) Are you staying away from people like we are asked too?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) Are you tired of seeing everything online about the Coronavirus?
    Yes, that's all there is.

    2) Have you been tested for the Coronavirus?

    3) I you have not been tested are you going to go and get tested for the Coronavirus?
    Not unless I show symptoms.

    4) Are you staying away from people like we are asked too?
    I always stay away from people.

    Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, for this week's questions.

    Please, you and Drew stay healthy and safe.

  2. 1.Yes, from the press and our dumb ass politicians

    2. No, but I have tested the Corona beers

    3. NO, too many sick people around

    4 Yes, 99 and 44/100s of the time, pure as Ivory soap!

    Ebola cola and Corona beer, what a great life we have.
    Stay well irregulars

  3. 1. Yes - and no. Fascinating times - indeed.

    2. No.

    3. Hell no! Going to a Hospital full of sick people is the best place to get sick - if one is already not.

    4. YES! Internet and Whiskey is all I need.
