Tuesday, March 17, 2020

New Information on COVID-19

Robin Vos E-update. Wisconsin State Assembly

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New Information on COVID-19

[image: BlankCoronaVirusImageUdateA.png]
New information is coming out almost hourly on the coronavirus
pandemic and the response at the state and federal levels. I'm
increasing my communications during this time in order to ensure
you're getting necessary updates so you can go about your lives in a
safe and healthy manner.

Executive Order #5 from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Effective at 5 p.m. tonight (March 17th), the state is limiting
gatherings to less than 10 people to slow the spread of COVID-19,
along with other guidelines affecting schools, bars, restaurants, and
more. The state makes the following exceptions to the 10-person ban:
transportation, educational institutions, child care, hotels,
military, law enforcement, food pantries, hospitals, long-term care
facilities, grocery stores, convenience stores, utility facilities,
job centers, and courts. All restaurants and bars are to close dining
areas effective at 5 p.m. today. Take-out and delivery are still

Schools Closed Indefinitely

The previous school closure deadline of April 6th has been changed.
The statewide school closure will remain in place for the duration of
the public health emergency. The Department of Public Instruction has
said it will waive a state-mandated hour requirement for districts
that file for a waiver.

UW-Madison Moves Classes Online

The state's largest university has announced the rest of the semester
will be online. Chancellor Rebecca Blank announced this afternoon that
the university is shifting to an "alternate delivery of courses from
March 23 through the end of the spring semester, including final
exams." The communication states that students will get more
information once the plans are finalized.

Federal Tax Filing Extension

Late this afternoon, the IRS announced that the U.S. government will
be giving most Americans an extension on filing their 2019 income tax
bills. Millions of Americans will have another 90 days to pay their
bills; interest and penalties will be waived as well.


15 Days to Slow the Spread


[image: Slow.the.spread.png]

The White House has announced new coronavirus guidelines. The goal is
to mitigate the spread of the highly contagious virus during the next
two weeks and help save lives. I agree that it's critical that
everyone does their part. This means taking steps to protect yourself
like working from home when possible, avoiding social gatherings and
washing your hands often and for at least 20 seconds. As you probably
have heard, if you are out in the community, please maintain a
distance of about six feet from other individuals. For more
information, I encourage you to visit coronavirus.gov.

LOVE, Inc.

[image: Love.Inc.Coronavirus.png]

Helping Where We Can

[image: Stocking.Shelves.png]

I got a call from our friends at Gooseberries in Burlington who were
asking if we knew anyone who could help replenish the shelves; they
were wiped out and just got a big load in. Rep. Samantha Kerkman and I
volunteered for a few hours. I worked for this amazing family for
almost a decade in high school and college. Sam worked third shift at
Richter's in Lake Geneva. Both of us were glad to help. It's in times
like these, that I think we all appreciate the grocers, truck drivers
and health care workers who are working tirelessly during this crisis.

Quick Links

Wisconsin Department of Health Services
COVID-19 State Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
American Red Cross


State Capitol-Room 217 West | Post Office Box 8953
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
(608) 266-3387 | Toll Free: (888) 534-0063
Fax: (608) 282-3663 | Rep.Vos@legis.wi.gov
Copyright © 2020 Robin Vos - All Rights Reserved

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