Saturday, April 4, 2020

Franksville horse sanctuary hopes to help frontline workers relieve stress, anxiety

From Fox6Now:

FRANKSVILLE, Wis. — Stepping Stone Farms is hoping they can ease the stress and anxiety of first responders and frontline healthcare workers by giving them the opportunity to visit their horse sanctuary to decompress.
To maintain social distancing requirements during Gov. Evers safer at home order, those on the frontlines are invited to contact the farm and schedule a 30- or 60-minute time slot to “get away from it all” and meander the paths at the farm, pet therapy horses and other farm animals, feed chickens, etc.
According to the farm’s executive director, Lia Sader, studies show that fresh, outside air and human-animal interaction significantly reduces physiological anxiety levels.
See how the farm’s volunteers are also experiencing comfort as they care for the horses during this unsettling time, here.
As a non-profit, donations of supplies and money are needed to help the farm continue to help others.  Click here to help.

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