Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth says he will enforce Safer at Home

From The Journal Times.com:

KENOSHA — Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said Monday he will not take the same approach as Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling, emphasizing his department will uphold the governor’s Safer at Home order that has been extended through May 26.

“We will follow the rules and laws that come from Madison whether we like them or not,” Beth said. “We’re going to continue to support our county Health Department and work closely with our emergency management partners.”

Beth’s statement came as the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Kenosha County grew Monday to 259, up from 229 Friday. The number of deaths countywide increased from five to six. There have been 1,472 negative tests.

As of Monday, Racine County reported 174 positive cases, 10 deaths and 1,336 negative tests. Walworth County reported 86 positive cases, six deaths and 540 negative tests. Statewide, the number of positive cases grew to 4,499 and the number of deaths reached 230.

The number of cases in Illinois is reportedly much higher. As of Monday, the number of positive cases there was at 30,357 and the number of deaths reached 1,290.

By noon Monday, Lake County, Ill., reported 2,162 confirmed cases and 75 deaths and McHenry County, Ill., reported 340 confirmed cases and 17 deaths. This includes at least 140 cases in Zion, Ill., and at least 30 cases in Antioch, Ill., both of which border Kenosha County.

Extension riles some

The Safer at Home order, extended by Gov. Tony Evers and DHS secretary-designee Andrea Palm last week, resulted in protests over the weekend by those who believe it infringes on people’s Constitutional rights.

In a statement Friday, Schmaling called the measures “overreaching” and said state law “does not have the power to supersede or suspend the constitutional rights of American citizens.”

“I took an oath to uphold the constitutional rights of our citizens and I cannot in good faith participate in the destruction of Racine County businesses or interfere in the freedoms granted to all of us by our Constitution,” the statement reads.

Read more: https://journaltimes.com/news/local/kenosha-county-sheriff-david-beth-says-he-will-enforce-safer-at-home/article_8c65c961-9c42-52bd-b50a-456391265520.html

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