Saturday, April 18, 2020

'Liberate Minnesota' protest organizer: 'We want our rights restored,' despite coronavirus threat

"Liberate Minnesota" protesters are calling for Gov. Tim Walz to reopen businesses and end a stay-at-home order aimed at controlling the spread of coronavirus, organizer Michele Even said Saturday.
Appearing on "Fox & Friends Weekend," Even said the demonstrators want their "rights restored."
"We want to get back to work. We want to support our families. We don't want to depend on government to take care of us," she said. "And we want that [stay-at-home restriction] to end now. We don't want a slow trickle into this. We are perfectly capable of opening our own businesses and running those again and being safe in doing that."
Hundreds of protesters gathered outside Walz’s residence Friday, demanding an end to the lockdown.
At least 400 protesters honked horns, waved American flags and donned Trump 2020 gear. Some held placards declaring "Stop the Shutdown," "We Do Not Consent" and "Walz is the Virus," according to reports from KMSP-TV/FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul.
The protests -- which started with demonstrations in North Carolina and Michigan -- has spread to New York, Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky, with more protests slated for coming days, even as federal and state officials warn that rolling back virus mitigation efforts too soon will lead to even more coronavirus cases.
President Trump has voiced his support of the groups, tweeting Friday, "LIBERATE MINNESOTA"

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