Friday, April 24, 2020


From Racine County Corruption:

The Racine Unified School District 
billion dollar referendum which initially passed 
by five votes is now in jeopardy of being rejected.

Several challengers filed for a recount 
alleging voter irregularities.
George Meyers

George Meyers, a founding member of HOT Government, along with other HOT Government volunteers took lead stage providing over 300 hours of volunteer oversight of the recount, including hiring a security and private investigator to monitor and assess the recount process.

The Racine Journal Times reporting has been largely
AWOL during this recount.

See the following news link for more info:

Honest  - Open  - Transparent

Hot government is a collective based movement acting on the behalf of citizen and community interest.  We are motivated volunteers actively encouraging and promoting local governments to operate in transparency and open to public scrutiny.


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