Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Two weeks after election, COVID-19 cases have not spiked in Wisconsin but experts urge caution about conclusions

From JSOnline:

, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Two weeks after Wisconsin’s chaotic spring election, the number of COVID-19 cases has not shown a marked increase as some had warned, but experts say there are still too many unknown factors to conclude if in-person voting affected the illness' spread.
Epidemiologists and infectious disease experts said Tuesday there has been a slight increase in cases in recent days, but the numbers have ebbed and flowed a bit over time and any change may have been caused by factors other than the election.
The experts said measuring the effect of the in-person vote will take more time and deeper study than simply looking at the number of coronavirus cases being reported each day by the state.
“It’s tempting to attribute that higher-than-expected number of cases to the election, but I think we have to be cautious,” said Dr. Patrick Remington, a former CDC epidemiologist and director of the Preventive Medicine Residency Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “It’s virtually impossible to know whether that relationship is cause and effect.”

Uh-oh.  COVID-19 cases haven't spiked as predicted, so the powers that be issue excuses and lies to cover their asses.  More horseshit from our "leaders."

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