Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Winners and losers from Wisconsin's spring election: It was a bad night for Robin Vos and the Republicans

From JSOnline:

, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

It was technically a nonpartisan election, but Monday night's results were particularly bad news for Republicans. 
The GOP-controlled Legislature, led by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, has been trying since 2018 to tilt this election to favor Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly. In recent weeks, Republican leaders and the conservative-controlled Supreme Court blocked efforts to delay the election or extend early voting. 
None of it mattered. 
Wisconsin's hardy voters ignored the obstacles — foul weather, long lines and coronavirus concerns — and ended up putting liberals and Democrats in state and local office. Many more fully embraced early voting by absentee ballot, despite failed efforts by Republican to restrict it
Buoyed by $1.3 million from the state Democratic Party, left-leaning Dane County Judge Jill Karofsky crushed Kelly, who had been endorsed by President Donald Trump. State Rep. David Crowley became the first African American elected Milwaukee County executive, and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett secured a fifth term in that post.
But they weren't the only winners and losers on a strange night of election results, which were released six days after the April 7 contest. Here are a few others that didn't appear on the ballot last week.

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