Sunday, May 3, 2020

City of Racine has paid more than $129k on open records case

From The Journal

RACINE — The City of Racine has spent over $129,000 to litigate the open records court case brought by former alderman Sandy Weidner. 
The cost was revealed Friday after the city fulfilled an open records request originally filed by The Journal Times in October for an updated total of litigation costs. 
The city last reported in January 2019 that a total of $76,669 had been paid to attorney Michael Cohen of the Milwaukee firm of Meissner, Tierney, Fisher and Nichols to handle the suit. Cohen was hired on Dec. 5, 2017.
The update comes after the case was recently sent back to the Racine County Circuit Court after the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled that an amended petition Weidner filed in February 2018, previously rejected by Racine County Circuit Court Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz, should have been allowed.
Alderman Sandy Weidner of the 6th District appears at a contempt of court hearing at the Racine County Courthouse in September 2018. 
Thank you, Shyster Letteney and Judge Eugene Gagthebitch, for inflicting this cost upon local taxpayers.  You $wine are di$gu$ting.

1 comment:

  1. Calling a judge Gagthebitch! THAT IS BOLD !
