Friday, May 22, 2020

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope everyone made it through all the rain and flooding from last weekend. I posted the pictures so everyone knew how bad the rain was. Also we are getting more rain this weekend and please everyone stay safe. Here are your questions.

1) What plans do you have for your three day weekend?

2) Do you plan on visiting friends or family for Memorial Day?

3) Are you going to cook out on the grill this weekend?

4) Did you or do you have someone in the Military Service?

Have a happy and safe Memorial weekend!


  1. 1) What plans do you have for your three day weekend?

    2) Do you plan on visiting friends or family for Memorial Day?
    I hadn't thought about it. I thought Memorial Day was still a week off.

    3) Are you going to cook out on the grill this weekend?
    My grill is busted.

    4) Did you or do you have someone in the Military Service?

    Thank you, Tender Heart Bear, for this week's questions. What are you doing this weekend?

  2. 1. Plans? man plans and God laughs
    2. Sure do, but refer to above statement
    3. Planning to, but refer to above statement
    4. Dad served in both WW 2 and Korea, Uncle died in WW 2, never got to meet my uncle.
    that's how war is.

  3. 1) Yes to stay home were it will be safe.

    2) Not this year.

    3) Yes Drew will be doing the cooking on the grill.

    4) Yes my Dad, Drews Dad, Friends, Uncle and Cousin.
