Friday, May 15, 2020

The Drudge Report of Racine

From Racine County Corruption:

The Racine based blog JT Irregulars is about to hit 
its 2 millionth view.

Often referred to as the Drudge Report of Racine, 
JT Irregulars covers a wide range of topics and news, 
highlighting the local political battlefields of Racine county.

JT Irregulars is not afraid to call out the local corrupt politicians and was instrumental in exposing former corrupt district attorney Michael Nieskes to the point the informed voters of Racine County removed him from office.

In the past, one of the favorite political toys of JT Irregulars was former City of Racine Mayor, real estate scammer and "road rage driver" "Lying John Dickert".

John "road rage driver" Dickert

JT Irregulars has a local spin with Four for Fridays and Madam Zoltar, the whimsical and entertaining Chrystal Ball reader who often has a sharp tongue directed at local scammers 
within our community.  

Currently the hit counter is at 1999382.

Will you be the lucky 2 millionth viewer ?

You may view here:


  1. Thank you, Racine County Corruption.

  2. Congratulations to Orbs! MME Zoltar, and Jan.


  3. JT Irregulars is an oasis in the cluttered world blogging. Irregulars brings forth an independent perspective to Racine free from partisan politics and censorship of the local press.

    May JT Irregulars hit its 3 millionth view by the end of the year.

  4. HEAR! HEAR! Legal Stranger!
