Friday, July 3, 2020

County urges caution at parks over holiday weekend

From The Journal


RACINE COUNTY — In anticipation of the higher turnout of visitors to parks over the Independence Day weekend, Racine County urged the public to continue taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is still a major threat to public health,” said Julie Anderson, Racine County Public Works and Development Service Director in a press release. “It’s imperative that everyone do their part to protect themselves and their fellow residents so that we can continue to keep county parks open.”

While the number of cases has decreased over the past few weeks in Racine County, officials want people to continue taking the following precautions:

  • Anyone who is sick should stay home.
  • Those visiting parks must maintain at least 6 feet of social distancing and refrain from congregating in large groups.
  • When surface parking lots in parks reach capacity, large signboards will indicate lots are full. Parking will not be allowed on lawn areas or in no-parking zones within the parks. Additional vehicles will be allowed into the park as other cars leave.
  • Staff will continually monitor conditions at parks and take additional measures as necessary to ensure the safety of the public.

The county also wanted to remind people to remain courteous of park staff and continue following park rules:

  • Visitors should leave no trace and carry out any garbage they create.
  • Dogs are not permitted in any Racine County parks, except in designated dog parks.

Fireworks are prohibited in all county parks

Quarry Lake and Fischer Park

County officials also issued additional guidance specific to Quarry Lake Park in Racine and Fischer Park in Burlington:

Quarry Lake Park

  • No lifeguards will be on duty. Swimming is considered at your own risk, and small children or anyone unable to swim should be either closely monitored while in the water or remain out of the water.
  • Cliff diving is extremely dangerous, is clearly posted with signs as prohibited, and citations can be issued. Citations cost $250 per person, per incident.
  • Charcoal grills should not be emptied onto the beach areas.
  • Restrooms will close at dusk.

Fischer Park

  • A limited number of lifeguards will be on duty. Swimming is considered at your own risk, and small children or anyone unable to swim should be either closely monitored while in the water or remain out of the water.
  • Staff will collect fees for boat launching into Browns Lake.
  • The new beach house will not be opened in time for the holiday weekend. Portable toilets will be available for use at that park.

Additional information may be found on the Racine County Parks webpage at


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