Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mason mulls city mask mandate; Delagrave says there are no plans for county requirement

From The Journal


Racine Mayor Cory Mason wore a face mask on Friday as he volunteered at the Racine County COVID Care Package Distribution event at the Cesar Chavez Community Center, 2221 Douglas Ave. in Racine. Mason told The Journal Times that the city if exploring the idea of possibly instituting a mask ordinance.

RACINE — On Friday, Racine Mayor Cory Mason shared on his Facebook page a July 15 newspaper report on cities and counties in Wisconsin that have issued policies requiring people to wear masks in public, in an effort to combat the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.
He posed the question: “Cases continue to climb in Racine. Is it time for Racine to adopt a mask ordinance?”
Only 4 hours after Mason posted, 44 Facebook users had commented, with most supporting the idea. As of his Facebook Live address on Friday afternoon, Mason said it is something the city is still weighing but no decision has been made.
Meanwhile, Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave has decided that a countywide mask requirement would not be feasible or enforceable.
The little dictator poses for another photo op as he ponders more orders for the proletarians.  Party on, Butterball!

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