Friday, August 28, 2020

ACLU calls for 'immediate resignations' of Kenosha police chief and sheriff

From The Journal

Adam Rogan

KENOSHA — The American Civil Liberties Union, via both the national organization and its Wisconsin branch, has called for the immediate resignations of Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis and Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth for what the ACLU considers to be a “Failed Response to Attempted Murder of Jacob Blake.”
The ACLU made the announcement Thursday afternoon. They blame the law enforcement leadership for failures that led to the police shooting of Jacob Blake, the death of two protesters and for allowing the alleged shooter of the protesters — 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse of Illinois — to get away.
“Sheriff David Beth’s deputies not only fraternized with white supremacist counter-protesters on Tuesday, but allowed the shooter to leave as people yelled that he was the shooter. The sheriff excused this by saying his deputies may not have paid attention to the gunman because there were many distractions, including ‘screaming and ‘hollering, people running, police vehicles idling, nonstop radio traffic, and that ‘in situations that are high stress, you have such an incredible tunnel vision,” the ACLU’s release stated, quoting statements made by Beth during a Wednesday press conference.
I call upon the leadership of the ACLU to resign because of their rush to judgement without knowing all of the facts.  How easy it must be to view a few videos and then pander to the anti-police sentiment of the media.  They're lawyers.  They should know better than this.  What absolute horseshit.

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