Friday, August 21, 2020

City of Chiraq Mayor Lori Lightfoot Reveals the Entitled Elite Rich and Queer B*tch She Is

From Racine WI – Sin City:

Go Fuck Yourself City of Chiraq Mayor Lori Lightfoot and City of Ratcine Mayor Cory Mason

What a Fucking Bitch

Groot really demonstrated not only tone-deafness, but her complete disconnect with reality:
  • Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended the Chicago Police Department’s ban on protesters being able to demonstrate on the block where she lives, telling reporters Thursday that she and her family at times require heightened security because of threats she receives daily.Lightfoot refused to elaborate on the specific threats, but said she receives them daily against herself, her wife and her home. Comparisons to how the Police Department has protected previous mayors’ homes, such as Rahm Emanuel’s Ravenswood residence, are unfair because “this is a different time like no other,” Lightfoot told reporters.
Her refusal to “elaborate on the specific threats” stinks of Ed Burke’s routine of claiming he was threatened as the head of the Finance Committee and therefore needed a security detail, a city car and CPD single-digit call sign. When this was in the process of being removed, he manufactured a threat from some senile old man so he could keep his detail.
Then she really demonstrates that she thinks she is far more important that you pissants:
  • “I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure,” Lightfoot said.
This from the most virulent anti-gun mayor in Chicago history. A mayor known by insiders to carry a small derringer-type weapon in her ill-fitting suits (her keeping a hand in her pocket all the time is a well known street “tell.”) Guess what Groot? Everyone has that Right, they just don’t have a taxpayer funded army to exercise it.
Remember when certain neighborhoods stood up for themselves and warned interlopers threatening to wreak havoc in their peaceful parts of town that it might be a bad idea? Groot said that residents shouldn’t be taking the law into their own hands….when she had (and continues) to strip peaceful neighborhoods of something that keeps them peaceful. She also wants to deny everyone the Right to own something that keeps her safe every single day and night, even when she isn’t living at her main residence.
  • Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday defended the heavy police presence outside her Logan Square home, at a time when police officers are stretched to the limit, citing “specific threats” made “every single day” to “my person, my wife and my home.”“Given the threats that I have personally received. Given the threats to my home and my family, I’m gonna do everything to make sure that they are protected. I make no apologies whatsoever for that,” the mayor said.“I’ve talked to my fellow mayors across the country and, seeing the kind of things that have been done to them and their family members, I’m not gonna have that happen. That’s not what my wife and my child signed up for. It’s not what my neighbors signed up for. We have a right in our home to live in peace.”
You know who else didn’t “sign up” for this bitch?
  • our neighbors
  • our spouses
  • our children
But there you are, acting all high and mighty and presuming to be better than the citizens you are supposed to be serving, working the Department to death, undercutting any semblance of authority we might have, encouraging unfounded complaining, denigrating our representatives, and standing idly by while the men and women protecting you have to stand face-to-face with scumbag terrorists who are doxing them in real time, broadcasting their home addresses and encouraging the rape of their daughters.
Oh, you thought we forgot about your silence on that one? You demand protection your family because they didn’t “sign up for this,” but if a cop’s home is attacked or their daughter gets violated while he or she is standing post to protect yours, we’re supposed to what? Think they signed up for it?
You have abandoned the neighborhoods and destroyed downtown. You thought by waving the white flag, they weren’t going to come for you? You are by far the most useless excuse for a politician we have seen in our lifetimes.
UPDATE: Groot is taking a bunch of fire from the Right side of the internet for this:
Groot is doing for Illinois gun sales what Sparklefarts did for national numbers.
While Shitty of Ratcine Mayor Cory Mason  and City Attorney Scott Lettney  is doing the same for da Shitty of Ratcine:
Meanwhile – in Shitty of Ratcine:
RATcine — A Racine man has been charged after allegedly yelling at two young girls while holding a baseball bat and apparently accidentally hitting one of the girls.
Lazarick L. Riley, 49, of the 3000 block of 16th Street, was charged with a misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct with use of a dangerous weapon and four counts of misdemeanor bail jumping.
According to a criminal complaint:
At 12:58 p.m. on Tuesday, officers were dispatched to the area of 16th Street and West Boulevard in reference to a man yelling at two 7-9-year-old girls while holding a bat.
Upon arrival, the officers located Riley lying in the front yard of a residence with a metal bat on the ground next to him. The officers observed that Riley smelled of intoxicants and had thick-tongued speech and labored motor skills.
He was belligerent and argumentative with officers, and they believed he was under the influence of alcohol. Riley denied consuming alcohol and that he was just at court that morning for his two open cases.
Officers spoke to a witness who stated he was watching the two girls as they were playing in the garage with their toys.
Riley then arrived, heavily intoxicated, and wanted to enter the home. The witness said that Riley was homeless and sometimes was allowed to stay at the house, but he refused to allow Riley in and that was when Riley went to the garage with the metal bat.

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