Friday, August 14, 2020

Gov. Tony Evers reminds Trump he will have to wear a mask when he visits Wisconsin

From JSOnline:

Patrick Marley
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

MADISON - Gov. Tony Evers has a message for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for their visits to Wisconsin next week: Bring a mask. 
"My expectation is they're masking up," the Democratic governor told reporters Thursday. 
The Republican president plans to visit Oshkosh on Monday to show Wisconsinites he isn't afraid to campaign in person as Democrats convene a mostly virtual national convention in Milwaukee.
Pence is slated to come to the state Wednesday, the same day Kamala Harris will give her convention speech as presumptive nominee Joe Biden's running mate.
The Trump campaign also plans a "Women for Trump" event in Wisconsin ahead of the convention, which Democrats scaled back because of the coronavirus pandemic. 
"If President Trump and Vice President Pence and the women for Trump and whoever else from the Republican side is coming to Wisconsin next week, they have to wear masks if they're in buildings," Evers said.

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