Saturday, August 8, 2020

Mike Pence will be in Wisconsin as Democrats stage virtual convention from Milwaukee without Joe Biden

From JSOnline:

Bill Glauber
Milwaukee Journal Sentine

Vice President Mike Pence is coming to Wisconsin for a campaign appearance Aug. 19, which happens to be the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee.
Pence's planned visit was reported Friday by The New York Times.
No other details were available.
The move by Republicans is in stark contrast to the decision made by Democrats not to fly in any speakers to Milwaukee for the convention because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Joe Biden will accept his presidential nomination from his home state of Delaware.
And Pence's visit is set for the same day that Biden's vice presidential pick is nominated and delivers her acceptance speech.
Biden campaign spokesman TJ Ducklo called Pence's visit "disgraceful."
"Mike Pence bragging about ignoring local health guidance to campaign in Wisconsin isn't only a reflection of how desperate the Trump campaign is to stop their downward spiral, it’s the perfect analogy for how under his and President Trump’s leadership, this White House consistently puts their own political interests above the health and safety of the American people," Ducklo said.
Trump trails Biden in polls in Wisconsin. On Tuesday, the Marquette University Law School Poll is scheduled for release and will provide a new snapshot of the race.

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