Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tony Evers says he has 'no secret plan' to mandate virtual instruction for schools

From JSOnline:

Gov. Tony Evers, left, and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, right.  Journal Sentinel Files

Gov. Tony Evers says he is leaving it to individual school districts on whether they should have in-person classes this fall as Republican legislators continue to press him on the issue.
Schools are due to reopen soon as Wisconsin and the nation fight the coronavirus pandemic.
During a Tuesday conference call with reporters, Evers said he has been in touch with school districts across the state and is "pleased with conversations" the school leaders are having with their communities.
"The process is going well, so I'm looking forward to having further conversations and seeing how things go going forward," he said. "Clearly, the virus is not in a position right now to say exactly what it's going to be like September 1st."

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