Thursday, August 13, 2020

Trump to campaign in Wisconsin on the day Democrats open virtual Milwaukee convention

From JSOnline:

Patrick MarleyBill Glauber
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

President Donald Trump will roll into Wisconsin on Monday as Democrats open their mostly virtual convention in Milwaukee.
With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris making remote convention speeches next week because of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump and Republicans are swooping into the state, a pivotal battleground in the fall election.
"As you know, Joe Biden refuses to come to Wisconsin next week for his own convention," Trump said Wednesday night during a tele-rally with supporters in Wisconsin.
"Now, maybe after he hears about this call he will ... but he's not even going to pay the respect of at least making a stopover," Trump said. "The Democrats are once again ignoring the incredible people of Wisconsin. And that's something I never did because you had the best year you've ever had last year and you're looking like you're going to have it again this coming year. But they're going to ignore Wisconsin just like they did in 2016."

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