Thursday, August 20, 2020

UW-Parkside staffer tests positive for COVID-19; Parkside community urged to monitor for symptoms

From The Journal

Lee Newspapers

A case of COVID-19 has been confirmed at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, the Kenosha County Division of Health and UW-Parkside announced jointly Wednesday. 

One staff member tested positive and is presently in isolation, per Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Kenosha County Division of Health recommendations.

The county Division of Health is working with the University to assist in identifying and reaching close contacts of this individual, who will also be required to quarantine for 14 days from the last date of exposure.

Close contacts include those who: 

Had direct physical contact with an infected individual (e.g.: a hug or handshake).

Were within six feet of a COVID-19-positive individual for more than 15 minutes.

Had contact with respiratory secretions from an infected individual (e.g.: were coughed/sneezed on, had contact with dirty tissue, or shared a drinking glass, food or towels or other personal items.

Those who do not receive a phone call from the Division of Health were likely not in contact with the COVID-19-positive individual and are therefore not considered to be in a higher-risk group.

“UW-Parkside has prioritized ensuring the health and safety of the campus community while delivering our academic mission,” said Dr. Renee Kirby, director of Student Health, Counseling and Disability Services.

“As we transition between the summer and fall terms, most faculty and staff are still working remotely. UW-Parkside requires all members of the learning community to wear face coverings in campus facilities; maintain appropriate social distancing; and wash their hands frequently. The University plans to maintain a dashboard of COVID-19 test results performed on campus and of positive COVID-19 cases reported by members of the UW-Parkside learning community.”

Every member of the UW-Parkside learning community is urged to monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms, including but not limited to: Fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, headaches, etc. Employees who become symptomatic should call their health care provider and students should contact the Student Health Center.

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