Monday, January 25, 2021

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduces bills to resist Biden's executive orders on Paris agreement, WHO, and mask mandate

 'Sadly, this is what we've come to expect from hypocritical Democrats'

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert is taking on three of President Joe Biden's flurry of executive orders that he signed within days of being sworn in.

The freshman lawmaker introduced her first bill in Congress. In fact, she introduced her first three bills in Congress, and they all target Biden's executive orders.

In one of Biden's first actions in office, he rejoined the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Boebert's bill would prevent the United States from spending any money on the Paris Agreement until the treaty is ratified by the Senate.

"Joe Biden took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. If he wants to keep it, he must transmit the job-killing Paris Agreement to the U.S. Senate for ratification," Boebert said in a statement. "Unilaterally entering the Paris Agreement was wrong in 2016 and it's wrong now. Responsible energy production supports more than 230,000 Colorado jobs. The Paris Agreement puts these jobs at risk and will increase energy costs."

Biden signed an executive order reversing former President Donald Trump's decision to leave the World Health Organization. Rep. Boebert's bill would "prohibit the availability of United States contributions to the World Health Organization until Congress receives a full report on China and the COVID–19 pandemic."

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