Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Georgia's Senate runoffs: Warnock makes history with runoff win, Ossoff ahead

From JSOnline:
Joey Garrison

Democrat Jon Ossoff declared victory over Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue in a Wednesday morning speech to supporters in Atlanta, calling for unity to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. No major news outlet has projected a win for the Democrat yet.

“It is with humility that I thank the people of Georgia for electing me to serve you in the United States Senate", Ossoff said.

Media outlets projected a win for Georgia’s other Senate runoff race for Democrat Raphael Warnock last night, meaning that if Ossoff's win becomes official, Democrats will begin President-elect Biden’s administration with control of both the House and Senate.

Ossoff currently leads Perdue by about 16,000 votes.

Perdue has not conceded the race. In a statement released last night, the campaign said they believed Perdue would still be victorious in the end.

– Nicholas Wu

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