Friday, January 15, 2021

Kenosha mayor on Rittenhouse trial, DA decision, moving forward


  1. The mayor is an idiot

  2. LE certainly has 'something: on both the DA and the Mayor - the Mayor is obviously afraid to speak Truth.

    Listen to the Mayor - "That's an interesting question - you feel sick what you saw". SO - the Mayor is afraid if he speaks Truth LE might do him the same - ala Judge Barry from Ratcine?

    "Circuit Court Judge Dennis Barry, 64, was found dead yesterday morning in Racine’s Lincoln Park not far from his car. He had suffered a gunshot wound to his head, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

    There is no reported motive for the judge to commit suicide, but the county medical examiner said officials have authorities had “no reason to believe it was not a suicide,” the newspaper reports. Friends and colleagues described Barry as an unusually caring and devoted judge who was very active in his community.

    “He was always there if you needed him… He was one of the best judges Racine County had,” former state representative Bonnie Ladwig tells the Caledonia, Wis., Patch. “He was a caring person. He looked at all sides of story. He was thoughtful and thorough, and he wanted to do what was right.”

    Last seen leaving the courthouse at 3 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, Barry was reported missing by his wife early the next morning, the Journal Sentinel says.

    Racine County Circuit Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz told the newspaper that Barry “devoted his legal career to the protection of the people of his community and the administration of justice in a fair and evenhanded manner".

    Lie today Mayor and DA - and Live tomorrow.

    Hey MAYOR! Focusing on "change"? Nothing changes if nothing changes and you will still continue to be a lying POS fearful for your life.

    Kenosha is another dying rat-infested shithole run by Democrats.

  3. It was no less a person that Attorney and Former Investigator Denise Hertz McGrath who warned my KPD is corrupt and criminal. The Mayor is the head of the police and protects his Gang in Blue - OR ELSE!

    Remember Michael Bell - executed in cold blood by KPD.
