Monday, January 25, 2021

NYC out of control: 12 people beat man, strip him naked, steal everything in broad daylight on major intersection

To say “crime is rampant” in New York City is like saying “water is wet.” The rapid rise of anarchy flooding the once-proud streets of the Big Apple has belied its recent status as the “safest big city in the world.” It is no longer safe. Not by a long shot.

The latest incident of senseless and unopposed violence came as a dozen people hunted and beat down a 26-year-old male. They then stripped him nude, including his underwear, and stole everything he had. What makes this particular crime more concerning than most is that it happened in broad daylight at a busy Chinatown intersection in Manhattan and nobody in the area seemed to pay much attention.

The video is tough to watch as bystanders carried on with their days, intentionally ignoring the crime committed before them. This is Bill de Blasio’s New York City. This is Andrew Cuomo’s New York City. This the Democrats’ New York City. According to WCBS:

Video shows a group of people surrounding the man, with some of them kicking him and jumping on him as he lies on the ground. The group cut the victim with a sharp object multiple times, leaving him with lacerations to his head, torso and hands, police said.

They also stole his phone, pants, underwear and shoes, according to police. The man was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition. Police said the attackers fled the scene in multiple vehicles.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.

Many notable people like Andrew Yang are rushing to pick up the mantle left in the wake of Bill de Blasio’s abysmal turn as mayor. Why? Because New York City is so bad today, it can’t get any worse for the next mayor.


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