Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The campaign to distribute COVID-19 vaccines has misfired across the country. Why are we so far behind schedule?

From JSOnline:
Mark Johnson
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

After accomplishing the astonishing feat of funding, testing and approving highly effective vaccines against COVID-19 in less than a year, Operation Warp Speed has failed badly in its other main objective: vaccinating 20 million Americans by Jan. 1.

Two weeks into January, the federal government is a little more than halfway to the goal, a performance that has troubled health experts and jeopardized hopes of returning to some degree of normal life by summer, or even fall.

The benchmark of vaccinating 20 million by Jan. 1 "was critical to achieving herd immunity by the summer in the U.S," said Rasmus Bech Hansen, founder and chief executive officer of London-based Airfinity, a company that gathers and analyzes global scientific data.

Read more: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/01/16/we-made-covid-19-vaccines-fast-why-distribution-behind-schedule/6622178002/

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