Saturday, February 6, 2021

A Better Mt. Pleasant Sends

Remember how whenever Foxconn got caught changing plans weekly in Wisconsin, they (as well as local officials) offered the same line. The exact same line:
Foxconn "remains committed to creating 13,000 jobs and a $10 billion investment."
Foxconn said it. Jonathan Delagrave said it. Dave DeGroot said it. No one deviated at all.
After a while, they just said "13,000 jobs" and forgot about the $10 billion investment.
It was almost like they all had the same PR firm crafting their statements. We kid. They totally had the same PR firm. In fact Mount Pleasant has paid them a few hundred thousand already.
Anyway, the 13,000 jobs and $10 billion investment is long gone - no says that anymore.
The newest line everyone repeats is:
"Foxconn continues to fulfill its financial obligations under the local development agreement and is proud to be the largest taxpayer in the Village of Mount Pleasant and Racine County,"
Of course, this is no more true than their promise of 13,000 jobs and $10 billion invested. Foxconn has not fulfilled its financial obligations and we're not actually sure they are the biggest property taxpayer in Racine County - we'd expect SCJ to be very, very close.
We're on the watch for the next weasel talking point.

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