Friday, February 19, 2021

CRYIN' TED Ted Cruz admits it was ‘a mistake’ to jet off to luxury Cancun resort as texts show wife wanted to flee ‘FREEZING’ Texas

 REPUBLICAN Senator Ted Cruz has admitted his Cancun getaway was a "mistake" as texts revealed his wife wanted to flee "freezing" Texas.

After dashing to a luxury resort in Mexico, Cruz landed back in Texas yesterday and had a police escort at the airport, where protesters held signs stating "24 dead" from the winter storm.

Senator Ted Cruz said he made a 'mistake' in fleeing to Cancun with his familyCredit: abc news

Protesters also congregated outside the senator's house in a plush Houston neighborhood.

Speaking to reporters outside his house, Cruz admitted he made a mistake and insisted he was "just trying to be a dad".

"It was obviously a mistake and in hindsight I wouldn't have done it," Cruz said.

"I was trying to be a dad and all of us have made decisions - when you've got two girls who have been cold for two days, and haven't had heat or power, and they are saying: 'Look, we don't have school, why don't we go, let's get out of here.''

Asked directly what he was thinking, Cruz replied: "You question what I was thinking, and... I was trying to take care of my family. 

"I was trying to take care of my kids. It's unfortunate, the fire storm that came from it.

"It was not my intention - in saying 'yes' to my daughters to somehow diminish all the Texans that were going through real hardship."

The senator expressed his regret as text messages obtained by The Sun emerged showing his wife Heidi planning the Cancun trip to escape the bitterly cold weather in Texas. 

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