Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Foxconn could build electric cars at its facility in Mount Pleasant after agreement with Fisker

From JSOnline:
Ricardo Torres
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The Foxconn Technology Group might build electric cars at its facility in Mount Pleasant, after the announcement of a new partnership with a startup California car company. 

On Wednesday, Foxconn announced it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with electric car startup Fisker to build an electric vehicle. 

The agreement was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Although the location of where these vehicles will be produced has not been revealed, Fisker's chairman and chief executive Henrik Fisker, told the Journal that Foxconn's property in Wisconsin would be an "obvious" choice.

“They’ve got a factory there and quite a lot of land with quite a lot of possibility for expansion,” Fisker said. “We haven’t made a final decision on that but that’s an obvious one.” 

Fisker could not immediately be reached for comment. 

In a statement to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Foxconn did not specifically say that the project would eventually find a home at its facilities in Mount Pleasant, but the company did not dismiss the possibility. 

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1 comment:

  1. Yeah, yeah, they might also build Gen 10 LCD screens there - NOPE! Meebee Gen 6? NOPE. Ventilators? NOPE. Masks? Not sure. Or just Storage. So sure, they MIGHT build electric cars there, just like Monkeys might fly outta my butt.

    Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda, if only Village Idiot David DeGoof had a brain!
