Thursday, February 25, 2021

Tension is growing in the Wisconsin State Capitol as some Republican lawmakers refuse to wear face masks

From JSOnline:
Molly Beck
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

MADISON – A year into the coronavirus pandemic, Wisconsin lawmakers are still debating face masks.   

Republicans who control the state Legislature are pushing their colleagues to debate and vote on legislation in person but won't require everyone to wear face masks — an environment Democrats are warning could put those who visit and work in the state Capitol at risk. 

The inconsistent mask-wearing while the coronavirus pandemic persists is emerging as a flashpoint between Democratic lawmakers who want all members to wear face coverings at all times until everyone is vaccinated and some Republicans who refuse to wear them. 

The tension spiked last week on the Senate chamber floor when Republican leaders of the state Senate refused to allow Democratic members to participate virtually and did not require the body to wear masks while sitting and bellowing together in one space. 

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